viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012

Reported Speech

I don't want to hear you reporting some other people exact words. Use reported speech!
Everything you need is in the wiki.
Pease, follow the link to go to unit 11.

martes, 10 de abril de 2012

Gerund vs. Infinitive

Is it difficult to decide which is the right one?
Click on the image to get to my wiki and find all the material you need.

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Connecting words

Despite, however, although... it's a mess! Here you have some useful tips for a better writing.

Relative clauses

Using relatives is not difficult. However, reduced relative clauses  demand a litlle more of attention. Here you have the presentation.

And here's a link to more information and exercises.

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

Your diet

Do you want to know more about diet and health?

Click on the gift to get the worksheet, some other interesting material  and the worksheet we have been working on in class.

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

Climate change

Here you have the listening on climate change (Key included below)

Para poder descargarlo pinchar aquí.

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This listening exercise has been taken from:

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

What's the weather like?

Learning vocabulary can be hard, but here you have the listening explaining many of the words you are likely to use when describing fine and awful weather.

Click here to get the exercise