miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

Validation: the magic of free parking

A broad smile is the best present you can offer or get: it will surely change your life!
This is certainly a good video to practice your English and reflect on your own personal life. Merry Christmas!

If you want to watch this video with Spanish subtitles, please, click on the image.

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

Over protective parents

Are parents overprotecting their children nowadays?
Just watch the videos and take your side. Get ready: we are debating here!

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Future clauses in a song

Have some fun practicing future clauses while listening to Lenny Kravitz

There are some mistakes in the video lyrics, but in case you missed the class, click on the animated gif to get a copy of the exercises:

Dancing Pencil

martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

The future ahead: Future perfect and future perfect continuous.

This is a further step on the right use of the future tenses in English. The future perfect and the future perfect continuous are a just question of perception on the part of the speaker: the result of an action or the action in progress.
However, such a distiction is sometimes difficult to grasp, so here you have the presentation we worked with in class:

If you want to practice, please, click on the following links:
Exercises 1
Exercises 2

Do you want to know more and hear someone using it?, then watch This:

martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

Questions tags: checking info

Sometimes, you are not sure if the piece of information you've got is right, then, place a question tag at the end of the sentence!. However, this is easier said than done: have a look at the powerpoint with the explanation and the exercises.

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

THAT is the question!

Making questions is not an easy task, if you want to practice, I have included here the exercise  to complete Frank's text, as well as the powerpoint you could see in class.


Here you have the exercise we worked with on our first day. Click on the picture if you want to download the text, although you also have the gapped text below.

And, of course, here's a song to make you happy.

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011